Statement on the improper move to dismiss the indictment against Eric Adams

This statement appeared in the Chicago Tribune as a letter to the editor on February 20, 2025. The Chicago Council of Lawyers condemns the blatantly political order to dismiss the indictment against New York Mayor Eric Adams. The memo ordering dismissal stated explicitly that the order was mad...

Membership in the Council

We were glad so many of you joined us at our members' meeting in October and at our fall fundraiser with Chicago Appleseed in November. We have exciting plans for membership engagement in 2025, so we hope you will renew your membership or join today! Board member Jennifer W.Y. Lee—Diversity, Equ...

Judicial Retention Election Results

Tuesday was the last day provisional ballots can be counted and it appears one Cook County Circuit Court judge will be losing their seat. Shannon O'Malley gained only 58% Yes for Retention votes. All members of the Alliance of Bar Associations rated Judge O'Malley not recommended for retention. In a...

Letters to the Editor Commentary

Stoking fears about DNC protests gets in the way of right to peacefully protest Now, more than ever, we must renew our collective commitment to amplifying voices outside institutions of power, writes the Chicago Council of Lawyers. By  Letters to the Editor Aug 13, 2024, 2:00pm CDT Chicago...

Transit Table partners pass HB277

HB277—a bill that amends Illinois law to no longer suspend driver's licenses for failure to appear in court for traffic tickets—has passed both houses and now heads to the governor for signing! Illinois will join twelve other states that no longer restrict driving privileges for failure to appear in...

Threats of Punishment Don’t Create Safety

In an editorial Friday, the Sun-Times reports that State Senate Republicans want to toughen the law and upgrade order of protection violations from a misdemeanor to a Class 4 felony. The editorial suggests this will deter violence and create safety. Unfortunately, that is a misconception. The Dep...

Primary Election Judicial Evaluations for 2024 are Live!

Among the Chicago Council of Lawyers’ most vital projects are our state judicial evaluations. This crucial public service to help the citizens of Illinois vote for qualified judges. The quality of our judiciary is a critical part of our democracy, and informed voting for judges is necessary if we ar...

NEW – Restorative Justice, Community, and the Courts: An Analysis of the Impact, Benefits, and Elements “Constantly in Conflict” in Chicago’s Restorative Justice Community Courts

Our new report examines the Circuit Court of Cook County’s three Restorative Justice Community Courts (RJCCs) located in the Avondale (North Side), Englewood (South Side), and North Lawndale (West Side) neighborhoods of Chicago. The North Lawndale court opened in 2017, and Englewood and Avondale fol...