Legislation Alert!

The Chicago Council of Lawyers is urging its members to submit Witness slips in opposition to HB 0861, which removes the court's discretion to award maintenance without consideration of "marital misconduct". HB 861 specifically prohibits an award of support if the spouse paying support (obligor) is...

Join Us in October

Chicago Appleseed and the Chicago Council of Lawyers, the Collaboration for Justice, have been doing an annual luncheon for decades—this year is different. Instead of a luncheon, we will host three virtual panels on October 9, 16, and 23. Each 90 minute panel will focus on a different issue and what...

Three Reforms to Fines, Fees, and Debt Collection Practices

Along with our partner, Chicago Appleseed, the Council of Lawyers is a member of the Transit Table Coalition, working to eliminate transportation barriers that keep people out of work and in poverty.  On Friday, the Transit Table Coalition released a statement regarding a series of news reports t...

Give $50 for 50

Our Presidents' Circle of donors celebrates the collaboration for justice between the Chicago Council of Lawyers and the Chicago Appleseed Fund for Justice. With a tax deductible donation to our Presidents' Circle $50 for 50 campaign, you can sustain our court reform work for another 50 years....

On the Table 2019 Memo to the Mayor: Our Courts are Our Community

Thanks to our guests for an exciting On the Table conversation on May 15th, discussing our courts as part of our community. This year, On the Table hosts are producing a Memo to the Mayor and our guests particularly appreciate how a change in government can offer the best time to create a change in...

Comments on the Confirmation Hearings for Judge Kavanaugh

On Friday, the Chicago Council of Lawyers submitted a letter to Congress concerning the confirmation hearings of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, scheduled to begin today. The 18-page judicial evaluation report is available for download here. After careful consideration, the Chicago Council of Lawyers oppose...