Announcing: Jill Dupont Memorial Fellowship of the Collaboration for Justice

Chicago Appleseed Center for Fair Courts, an affiliate of Appleseed, and the Chicago Council of Lawyers, Chicago’s public interest bar association, are incredibly honored to announce the creation of the Jill Dupont Memorial Fellowship of the Collaboration for Justice.  Chicago Appleseed Cent...

Call to Support: Creating Opportunity for Illinoisans in Need (COIN II) Act

The statewide Creating Opportunity for Illinoisans in Need (COIN II) Act (IL HB 4423 and IL SB 3123) will increase monthly Temporary Assistance for Families in Need (TANF) grants to 50% of the federal poverty level and will implement a full passthrough and disregard policy f...

Principles for Earned Release Sentencing Reform In Illinois

The Collaboration for Justice of Chicago Appleseed Center for Fair Courts and the Chicago Council of Lawyers, along with a coalition of supporting organizations, have released an open letter to the Illinois Resentencing Task Force urging them to be guided by a set of shared principles for...

Seeking Community Input: 2022 Judicial Retention Candidates

As voters, it is our responsibility to elect for fair, compassionate judges we can trust to make impartial decisions based on consideration of the facts and the law. In order to arm voters with the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions about judges, the Chicago Council of Lawyers completes...

Thank you for supporting our “Identifying Hidden Injustices” series!

The Chicago Council of Lawyers and Chicago Appleseed Center for Fair Courts work together in a Collaboration for Justice to create a legal system that is fair, equitable, and accessible to all people — regardless of race, gender, ability, citizenship, or socioeconomic status. Together, our staff and...

Driving For Opportunity Act

The bipartisan Driving for Opportunity Act of 2021 creates incentives to states to end debt-based drivers’ license suspensions. It is moving through Congress this month and we are hopeful it will move through Committee with sufficient support. Under the License to Work Act, passed in Illinois 202...