Statement on the improper move to dismiss the indictment against Eric Adams
This statement appeared in the Chicago Tribune as a letter to the editor on February 20, 2025.
The Chicago Council of Lawyers condemns the blatantly political order to dismiss the indictment against New York Mayor Eric Adams.
The memo ordering dismissal stated explicitly that the order was made ‘without assessing the strength of the evidence or the legal theories on which the case is based.’ It was made to reward Mayor Adams’ obeisance to President Trump in supporting roundups of immigrants. The agreement is so clear that the motion to dismiss is ‘without prejudice’, meaning the indictment against Adams could be reinstated if Adams does not fulfill his part of the bargain.
This action is so contrary to the rule of law, the standards of the Department of Justice, and the ethics of the legal profession, that the Acting U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York resigned rather than dismiss the indictment. Seven former U.S. Attorneys for the Southern District of New York, both Republicans and Democrats, have lauded her integrity. The heads of the Public Integrity Section in Washington also resigned rather than succumb to this subversion of justice. We applaud these courageous public servants.
Even worse, Emil Bove III, the acting Deputy Attorney General who ordered the dismissal, has ordered an investigation of those with the integrity to refuse his order. This is meant to deter those prosecutors who would refuse to carry out unethical orders. Justice has been turned upside down.
Since its founding in 1969, the Chicago Council of Lawyers has acted to support the rule of law
and to speak truth to power. We invite all lawyers and others involved in the legal profession
who want to do more to counter abuses of power, language, and law to join us. We will not be
timid in the face of these abuses.
David Schrodt
President of the Board of Governors
Chicago Council of Lawyers

750 N. Lake Shore Drive, 4th Floor,
Chicago, Illinois 60611
(312) 988-6564
You can download a copy of the statement here.
The statement was previously issued on February 17, 2025 under the signature of ten former presidents of the Chicago Council of Lawyers: John Schmidt, Martin Oberman, Arnie Kanter, Judd Miner, Robert Graham, Locke Bowman, David Melton, Robert Bennett, George Galland, and Carrie Huff